You know that look some people get when you tell them what you do... Like all of a sudden they're looking for signs of debauchery.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Saturday, February 25, 2006
Artists in Arms
Friday, February 24, 2006

I recieved an email from lovely Lisa at The Lush Mint Gallery today.She sold 2 of my paintings...yay...We both thought it was quite uncanny because I had'nt contacted her since before Christmas and then just yesterday I emailed her to let her know about this blog...and there you are...sales!!!!.MMMM ...must do more emailing.
Tip # 3: Try not to start up a blog just when you are at your busiest...especially when you have'nt got a clue what you are doing. This may count as points for the normal side ?? Yes ? No ?? First thing this morning I was on the PC. During the course of the day I changed the template of this blog about four times, had trouble changing fonts....could'nt work out how to put a link in the sidebar...thought the blogger people would kick me out for logging on about 20 times or more...took several photo's of my nails...worked on two paintings...did some washing...went shopping and cooked a roast for tea... This image is of my new nails...experimenting with green glitter.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Tip # 1: When working with inks always work on the floor, unless, of course, you want the ink to run all the way down - off your painting, off your uneven desk and on to the floor. Tip # 2: When trying to open a stubborn bottle of gold size { a certain brand is unopenable - I had to stab the lid with a screwdriver, mash it around a bit, pry off the plastic, which was welded to the bottle, [with pliers], then pour the contents into an old coffee jar} DO NOT wear a thumb ring .You will end up with a beautifully dented ring and your thumb wont thank you either. All I can say is "thank God for coffee". This image is part of..."Heavy Silence...Heavy Heart...Hold Me"
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
No time for Little Britain
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Woke up at 4.23 this morning and thought I might try out this blogging thing. Maybe I could post a few pics of my work. Talk about a few things happening about the place and see how it goes. Its amazing, considering, pre GST, I did'nt even possess a PC. Was horrified when we were told by our accountant that we would have to buy one . And accounting software. Then use it. Suffice to say, many years down the track, both my husband Brian and I have grown accustomed to its hulking presence. I actually missed it when it was in the shop after aquiring a virus. And tomorrow, Marc, our computer guy. is bringing over our new baby. So we will have one each. It will be a big difference, going from a Pentium 3, still running Windows 98 to a lovely Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4400x with all the extra's...all I have to do now is work out how to use this blog thing-a-me.