Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ya Dreamin'

This morning I awoke with a surprise because I had a dream with John Simm in it. It was a gentle fun kind of dream. The kind that linger and make you feel good for a time . I don't usually dream about actors and stuff....well not very often anyway but it got me thinking about other dreams I've had with well known people in them. Years ago....about the time of "Legends of the Fall" I had a dream about Brad Pitt. I've dreamt about Nicholas Cage, David Bowie....I had a funny one with Al Pacino....he was my good buddy and we were hanging around in the town I grew up in....I never could work that one out. I had a doozy after Robbie William's concert...it was really nice and friendly and the good feelings lasted a couple of days....that is until he said derrogatory things about Perth people in the press and that put an end to that. I've probably had others but they could'nt have been too memorable could they? I wonder if you can set yourself up to dream about a particular person?????...HMMMMMM?

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