Friday, April 27, 2007

Losing it....Still.

I had a bit of a bad day yesterday. Nothing was going right. We all have days that feel like that occasionally...ok...yep. Well...I was wandering about all day doing heaps of things and all day long I was reaching for my glasses and getting more and more annoyed and thinking to myself..."my eyesight is getting worse and worse"....I was starting to feel older and older and was waiting for the onset of blindness at any minute until, I was preparing for bed, (early last night...10 o clock), and went to remove my one contact lens and I realised that I had'nt put it in in the first place and it was sitting in its opened container waiting to be used. Oh oh...the stress of being organised for this wedding is starting to rear its ugly head. I hope today goes a bit smoother.

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