You know that look some people get when you tell them what you do... Like all of a sudden they're looking for signs of debauchery.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Home Sweet Home.
We have been away for a bit and it was fun but I have had 4 days without access to the INTERNET!!!!!! shock!! horror!! The first 2 days were OK but after that I was just holding on by, what is left of, my fingernails. AHHHhhhhhhhh......
Monday, December 25, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
PT Cruiser.

This is my new car. We picked it up on Wednesday. Thank you to Bryan and Daniel from Wanneroo Chrysler Jeep Dodge. And thank you to my hubby Brian for a lovely Chrissy present. It's my second PT Cruiser. I loved my first one and this one is even better.
Monday, December 18, 2006
SubAudible Hum.
Today I went and picked up my copy of SubAudible Hum's CD "In Time For Spring, On Came the Snow". I ordered it weeks ago and had almost given up hope of ever getting hold of it when yesterday I got a call to say that it was in. Its great. I particularly like "All For The Caspian".
Thursday, December 14, 2006
The Comfortably Numb Departed.
A few weeks ago I went to the movies and saw "The Departed". It was a great story and I enjoyed it very much. I also thought that during the movie I heard Van Morrison singing one of my favourite Pink Floyd Songs "Comfortably Numb". Last week I found the soundtrack and bought it....its really good and, yes, the number one track on the CD was "Comfortably Numb" by Roger Waters, Van Morrison and The Band. Cool!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Elton John.
Yesterday it was Brian's birthday and we went to see Elton John in the evening and stayed at the Holiday Inn out at Burswood. Elton was fantastic . He started off with "Funeral for a Friend-Love Lies Bleeding" and immediately took me back more years than I cared to. Funny how music will do that? It was a good night and everyone enjoyed themselves. Elton played lots of favourites and when he played "I'm still Standing" the place erupted and people were up and dancing. One special touch was when he stopped to shake hands, sign programs and some people's t-shirts. He gets extra, extra cool points for that one 'cos you dont see it happening too much these days. He ended the night with" Your Song". Just Perfect!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Big Day Out Vs eBay.
eBay is taking legal action against the Big Day Out because they are cancelling tickets that are being sold by scalpers on its site. Good on ya BDO 'cos as a regular concert-goer, I have increasingly found it difficult to buy good tickets....never mind the fact that Perth is void of having a decent venue!!!!!!!...I still would like to think that maybe, just maybe, I might get a great seat or position . Obviously I'm "DREAMING". I hate scalpers and I would rather go without than pay those bottom feeders.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Party's Over.
Next week we are going to see Elton John and that is the end of our concert-going this year. I would love to go to the Big Day Out next year but dont really want to go on my own. Muse, Tool, My Chemical Romance plus heaps of other bands are playing. I feel old.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Normal ?
Right now I'm tired. I'm tired of pretending that I'm normal 'cos you know what ? I really dont think that I am.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Perth loves Robbie!
I just got home from Robbie Williams' concert...WHOOOOHOOOO....What a show! He sounded great...he looked great...he had a good time...we had a good time....I dont think I have the words to adequately describe the whole evening but as soon as he appeared on the enormous stage everyone seated just rose almost as one and stayed that way...waving, dancing and singing for the rest of the show. Yep...we definitely were entertained.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Robbie Williams!
I'm going to see Robbie Williams tonight. There has been such a build up here. Right at this moment they are playing his concert in Vienna on 92.9. A friend of mine went last night. She said it was fantastic. She was two away from him in the pit and today she cant talk or walk. Sounds like we are going to have some fun tonite!!!
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